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Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Tuesday, August 8, 2000, 9:07 a.m.
Varner Hall, Board Room, 38th and Holdrege, Lincoln, Nebraska


MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Beach, NETC; Brenda Decker, Department of Administrative Services; Michael Winkle, NITC; Christy Horn, UNL-Compliance Officer; and Walter Weir, University of Nebraska.

MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer

OTHER PRESENT: Rick Becker, Lori Lopez Urdiales and Tom Rolfes of the Office of the CIO/NITC; Dick Palazzolo, Public Service Commission; Rick Golden, Bruce Dienes, IBM; and Ruth Michalecki, UNL-Telecommunications.


Mr. Weir called the meeting order at 9:07 a.m. Roll call was taken. There were four members present. A quorum existed. Mr. Weir stated that the meeting notice and agenda was first posted to the NITC and Public Calendar web sites on August 1, 2000 with a revision posted on August 3, 2000. Mr. Beach was congratulated on his new position as Assistant General Manager, NETC. The Technical Panel will need a letter from the NETC appointing Mr. Beach as their representative.


There was no public comment.


Ms. Decker moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Beach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Beach-Yes, Decker-Yes, Horn-Yes, and Weir-Yes. Motion was carried.


Wireless project. Ms. Decker reported the draft report in on the website. The proposed cost for the project is approximately $100 million. Recommendations for appropriations are being considered. Omaha has approached the state to partner with them regarding the system they want to utilize in the Omaha area. The Division of Communications cannot commit to their request at this point but want to coordinate efforts. One initiative currently being discussed is to build it and then lease it out. Discussion followed regarding the following issues: local support, standards, exploring the cost comparison of linking current systems, and compliance costs. More information and updates are available on the Division of Communications web site.

Network Architecture Work Group. Ms. Decker reported that the group met on the July 31st. Two groups were formed. One group is developing the business case. The other group will work on the development of the RFP and management issues. The RFP's used by other states are currently being reviewed. It is projected that the business case will be ready to present to the Technical Panel in October and then to the NITC for their November meeting. The Councils will continue to be updated on the progress. Ms. Decker would like more representation from community council on the work group. More information and updates are available on the Division of Communications web site.

Security Architecture Work Group. Mr. Weir reported that group has developed seven policies: Information Security Management Policy, Access Control Policy, Disaster Recovery Policy, Education and Awareness Policy, Incident Reporting Policy, Individual Use Policy, and Network Security Policy. The Network Security Policy includes the following General Statement: "These policies are intended to be sufficiently generic to apply to a wide range of governmental and educational agencies in the State of Nebraska. Each agency or operational entity must develop detailed procedures to implement broad policies and standards. Compliance with these security policies and standards will be a requirement during consideration of funding for any projects requiring review by the NITC. Compliance may be used in audit reviews or budget reviews." The next steps for the work group is to further review the policies. Videoconferences will be held across the state for public comment on the final drafts. The policies will go before the Technical Panel for project proposal approval and then to the NITC. Mr. Beach commented that the Panel may need to revisit the form. The policies are available for review at the Technical Panel portion of the NITC web site.

Assistive Technology. Ms. Horn reported that group had not been formally organized or held any meetings. She will be reviewing the federal guidelines for assistive technology issues. Ms. Horn will work with Mark Schultz to form a small group, as well as to address the issue of the Assistive technology clause for state contracts


Members discussed the draft charter. Ms. Decker recommended that the charter be amended to add "Provide informational reports to the State Records Board as appropriate." in the reporting section.

Ms. Decker moved to approve the E-Government Architecture Work Group Charter as amended. Ms. Horn seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Weir-Yes, Horn-Yes, Decker-Yes, and Beach-Yes.


A copy of the Nebraska Administrative Code Title 437 Digital Signatures Act was distributed to Panel members for the review and comments. This will be discussed at the next meeting.


Mr. Becker reported that 56 agencies have submitted the I.T. plans. There are 22 outstanding (most of which are smaller agencies). Jen Soucie, CIO/NITC Office student intern, has been compiling Section 4.A. "Strategies and Future Direction", and Section 4.B. "Electronic Government/Education Implementation Plan". These summaries will be posted to the NITC website. Currently, the full agency I.T. plans are also posted on the State Government portion of the NITC web site.

The Technical Panel requested an update on the NIS project at the next meeting.


Mr. Becker reported that the pool or reviewers will be ready for review and approval by the Technical Panel at the September the meeting. Members were asked to submit names of possible reviewers to Mr. Becker as soon as possible.


Dennis Linster, Wayne State College, would like to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.


The next meeting of the Technical Panel will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at Varner Hall, Regents Board Room, 3835 Holdrege, Lincoln, NE.

Ms. Decker moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Beach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Beach-Yes, Decker-Yes, Horn-Yes, and Weir-Yes. Motion was carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes