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Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege
Lincoln, Nebraska
January 9, 2001, 9:00 a.m.


MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Beach, NETC; Brenda Decker, DAS; Christy Horn, UNL Compliance Officer; Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer; and Walter Weir, University of Nebraska.

MEMBER ABSENT: Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director


The chair, Walter Weir, called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. Roll call was taken. There were three members present at the time of roll call. A quorum existed to conduct official business.


Ms. Decker moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Beach seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Beach-Yes, Decker-Yes and Weir-Yes. Motion was carried.


There was no public comment.

Ms. Horn arrived at 9:08 a.m.


The project is before the panel for a voluntary technical review. The project was also on the December 2000 agenda. Tom Carlstrom, Superintendent of Humphrey Public Schools, was present to entertain questions from the panel. Senator Bromm will introduce a bill later this week related to this project. After discussion, the Panel decided by group consensus to have Mr. Becker assign two to three Technical Panel members to review the proposal. Reviewers were asked to complete the review by the end of the week and to send their results to Mr. Rolfes.


Mr. Rolfes provided information on the review process for the Excellence in Education grant proposals. Copies of a memorandum of understanding including a list of submitted grants were distributed to members. There are two funding cycles per fiscal year. The first cycle, Tier I, reviews were done on December 13th and 14th. Discussion followed regarding the Technical Panel's role in the review process.

Mr. Schafer arrived at 9:40 a.m.

The Technical Panel will review the results of the Excellence in Education grant reviews. Tier II grants deadline is February. Mr. Rolfes will have the review results ready for the March Technical Panel meeting for review. The technology procurement clause should be part of the form to be used in the future.


Wireless. Ms. Decker reported that the final report has been completed and was delivered to the Legislature and the Governor. The scope of work has been extended to explore a lease option. Funding scenarios are being explored. A work group is discussing the use of a surcharge. Part of the Governor's funding recommendation includes funds from the Infrastructure Fund ($4 million over two years). Mr. Weir recommended that the Technical Panel look at standards for wireless. This could fall within the scope of the Architecture Work Group.

NETCOM. Ms. Decker reported that the Work Group is moving forward with the RFP. The Division of Communications drafted objectives for the RFP. Within next couple of weeks, revisions to the objectives and table of contents will be done. The goal is for the RFP to be released in April 2001. Andy Pollack, of the Public Service Commission, will be involved with the group.

Security Work Group. The Work Group has developed the Security Policies and the policies are ready for adoption by the NITC. The Work Group is exploring the following options for implementation: 1.) achieving executive buy-in, 2) conducting a forum in the spring aimed at management level, 3) conducing a fall conference, and 4) developing templates for agencies to use.

Assistive Technology. Ms. Horn reported that the technology clause is done and has been sent out to state agencies. The Work Group is currently working on checklists and training.

E-government. Mr. Schafer reported that the Work Group has been meeting once a month. A draft document with the key components of the architecture has been developed. Each component will have a list of goals and directions to be taken. It is hoped to have this done within the next week for public comment. Jim Zemke, UNL portal resource person, was recommended by Mr. Weir to serve on the work group.

Video Standards Work Group. Mr. Beach distributed a memorandum (PDF 217k) describing the membership, goals, implementation and proposed schedule time lines for the Work Group.

Mr. Schafer moved to approve the membership and goals of the Video Standards Work Group. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Beach-Yes, Decker-Yes, Horn-Yes, Schafer-Yes, and Weir-Yes. Motion was carried.

Mr. Beach distributed a flyer regarding upcoming Technology Shows. A pocket book of computer terms will be given out to participants.

Ron Bowmaster

Mr. Bowmaster provided a brief background and history. A list of recommendations for minimum I.T. standards for communities was brought to the Technical Panel for review. NIDCAC is asking for guidance on the standards, as well as, on how to proceed. The Technical Panel requested more time to review the proposal further. It will be an agenda item at the next meeting.


Mr. Schafer had sent information to the Panel members regarding the CHARTS application's weaknesses and strengths. A weakness listed by the consultant was that there needs to be statewide guidance in quality assurance and management. The Technical Panel should consider if they should provide the guidance and if so, how would the Technical Panel attempt to do this. IMS could assist with operational and quality assurance. Mr. Schafer recommended that this be discussed at the next meeting.

Mr. Schafer stated that the GIS Steering Committee needs to come up with a set of standards for the geographical information systems. Mr. Schafer offered to work on a resolution and will send the draft out to members.


The next meeting of the Technical Panel will be on Tuesday, February 13th, 9 a.m. in the Regents Board Room, Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege Street in Lincoln.

Ms. Horn moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Decker seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Weir-Yes, Schafer-Yes, Horn-Yes, Decker-Yes, and Beach-Yes. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned 11:35 a.m.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Rick Becker of the Office of the CIO/NITC.

Meeting Minutes