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Tuesday, November 5, 2002, 1:30 p.m.
NSOB – Lower Level Conference Room A
Lincoln, Nebraska


Members Present:

Dennis Burling, Department of Environmental Quality
Jon Ogden, Department of Roads
Mike Overton, Crime Commission
Jim McGee, Health and Human Services
Bob Howard, Division of Communications
Dick Gettemy, Department of Revenue
George Wells, Department of Correctional Services
Greg Lemon, Secretary of State's Office
Dan Hoffman, Governor’s Policy Research Office
Robert Shanahan, Department of Labor
Scott McFall, Nebraska State Patrol
Glenn Morton, Workers Compensation Court
Gerry Oligmueller, DAS - Budget
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer
Gayle Starr, Department of Natural Resources
Rod Wagner, Library Commission

Members Absent:

Bob Beecham, NDE Support Services; Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office; Patrick Flanagan, Private Sector; Dorest Harvey, Private Sector; Steve Henderson, IMServices; Lori McClurg, Department of Administrative Services; Bev Neth, Department of Motor Vehicles; Joe Steele, Supreme Court


Roll Call and Meeting Notice

Mr. Schafer called the meeting to order at 1:36 p.m. Roll was taken. There were 16 voting members present. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Mr. Schafer stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and State Government Council websites on October 11, 2002 and that the meeting agenda was posted on the NITC Website on October 31, 2002.

Public Comment
There was no public comment.

Approval of September 12, 2002 Minutes and October 10, 2002 Minutes
Mr. Schafer had one change on the September 12 minutes in the NIS section. He suggested clarification on the Human Resource topic. The edited sentence will now read, “That Steering Committee meeting will provide more information in detail. October 15 is the date to establish HR functionality for entering employee benefits.”

Mr. Starr moved to approve the September 12, 2002 minutes as revised. Mr. Morton seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Mr. Wells moved to approve the October 10, 2002 minutes as presented. Mr. Gettemy seconded the motion. All were in favor. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

FY2003-05 Biennial Budget Requests

Mr. Schafer gave the members a brief background of the budget request process. Mr. Schafer explained that agencies submit proposals, the NITC/CIO office assign three reviewers to each proposal. The reviewers scored the proposals and made comments. Mr. Schafer explained that the final task for the State Government Council is to make a recommendation that will be presented to the NITC.

All members were asked to read the project summary sheets (PDF 151MB), compiled by the CIO’s office and bring that information to the meeting. Full text versions (PDF 151k)of the requests were available for additional reference information.

Mr. Schafer opened the discussion for questions or comments. Mr. Schafer also invited representatives from the agencies that submitted projects to answer any questions the members may have.

Mr. Schafer suggested first looking at a handout distributed by Mr. Rick Becker, Government IT Manager. The handout outlined the project number, agency, project title, budget request for FY2003-2004 and FY2004-2005 and its score. This table was arranged based on total project score. The scores ranged from 90 to 67.

Mr. Schafer stated that the HIPAA project ranked 5th among the proposals. He stated that HIPAA is a very pressing issue for Health and Human Services, for there are federal mandates that need to be met. Mr. Schafer expressed his concern about the serious repercussions that would ensue if HIPAA requirements were not met by the State of Nebraska. Mr. Schafer proposed placing the HIPAA project at the top of the list and dropping the Help Desk Call Tracking System to bottom, and placing all other HHSS projects in order based on HHSS' internal prioritization. Another handout was distributed to illustrate the proposed changes. Discussion.

Mr. Schafer requested any additional comments be email as soon as possible, and he would be please to incorporate the comments into the report to the Governor and Legislature.

Mr. Michael Beach of NET wanted to clarify that the rankings are listed based on how the well they explained their business case, and how well they stated what they want to do with the stated amount of dollars. Discussion.

Mr. Ogden moved to make the project recommendations to the NITC as explained and outlined on Mr. Schafer’s proposal sheet. Mr. Wagner seconded the motion.


Roll call vote: Burling--Yes, Ogden--Yes, Overton--Yes, McGee--Yes, Howard--Yes, Gettemy--Yes, Wells--Yes, Lemon--Yes, Hoffman--Yes, Shanahan--Yes, McFall--Yes, Morton--Yes, Oligmueller--Yes, Schafer--Yes, Starr--Not present, Wagner--Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Standards and Guidelines

Recommendations to the Technical Panel
- Use of Computer-based Fax Services by State Government Agencies (PDF 114k)
- Disaster Planning Procedures for Information Technology (PDF 181k)

There are two needed recommendations to the Technical Panel from the State Government Council.

Use of Computer-based Fax Services by State Government Agencies (PDF 114k). It was stated that Mr. Keith Larson drafted revisions to the original guideline. Also, it was suggested that agencies names be spelled out, rather than using acronyms only. Mr. Schafer stated that his office would spell out the names. In addition, the guideline needs to reflect that agencies should perform a cost-benefit analysis. A statement would be best placed under section C that reads, “For more information and cost-benefit analysis contact IMServices.”

Mr. Mike Overton moved to recommend approval of the guideline as revised. Mr. Gettemy seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Burling--Yes, Ogden--Yes, Overton--Yes, McGee--Yes, Howard--Yes, Gettemy--Yes, Wells--Yes, Lemon--Yes, Hoffman--Yes, Shanahan--Yes, McFall--Yes, Morton--Yes, Oligmueller--Yes, Schafer--Yes, Starr--Not present, Wagner--Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Disaster Planning Procedures for Information Technology (PDF 181k). The members reviewed the guideline.

Mr. Ogden moved to recommend approval of the guideline. Mr. Wells seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Burling--Yes, Ogden--Yes, Overton--Yes, McGee--Yes, Howard--Yes, Gettemy--Yes, Wells--Yes, Lemon--Yes, Hoffman--Yes, Shanahan--Yes, McFall--Yes, Morton--Yes, Oligmueller--Yes, Schafer--Yes, Starr--Not present, Wagner--Yes. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.

Regular Updates (as needed)

The Electronic Records Retention Work Group has begun to develop best practices or guidelines. Bill Ptacek will lead the work group.

Agency Reports

As outlined in the NITC Progress Report, the State of Nebraska has improved their rank in three, and has slipped in four categories as reported of the Digital State Survey. The state tied for first in the Revenue and Taxation category.

Other Business


Next MeetingDate

The next State Government Council meeting will be on Thursday, December 12, 2002. This meeting could be a work session to discuss e-government.

Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 2:45 p.m.

Minutes were taken by Jen Soucie Kitt of the Chief Information Office and reviewed by Rick Becker, Government IT Manager.

meeting minutes