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Thursday, October 10, 2002, 1:30 p.m.
Vocational Rehabilitation - Dept. of Education - NSOB
Lincoln, Nebraska



Ron Mowrey, Department of Education
Jon Ogden, Department of Roads
Jim McGee, Health and Human Services
Bob Howard, Division of Communications
Dick Gettemy, Department of Revenue
Jack Falconer, Department of Correctional Services
Greg Lemon, Secretary of State's Office
Scott McFall, Nebraska State Patrol
Randy Cecrle, Workers Compensation Court
Steve Schafer, Chief Information Officer


Mike Calvert, Legislative Fiscal Office; Al Curtis, Crime Commission; Patrick Flanagan, Private Sector; Dorest Harvey, Private Sector; Steve Henderson, IMServices; Lauren Hill, Policy Research Office; Butch Lecuona, Department of Labor; Lori McClurg, Department of Administrative Services; Bev Neth, Department of Motor Vehicles; Gerry Olligmueller, Budget Office; Gayle Starr, Department of Natural Resources; Joe Steele, Supreme Court; Rod Wagner, Library Commission.


Mr. Schafer called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. Roll call was taken. There were 11 voting members present. A quorum did not existed to conduct official business. Mr. Schafer stated that the meeting notice was posted to the NITC and State Government Council Websites on September 13, 2002 and that the meeting agenda was posted to the NITC Website on October 4, 2002.


There was no public comment.


There was not a quorum present; therefore the September 12, 2002 minutes could not be approved.

Standards and Guidelines - Recommendations to the Technical Panel

Use of Fax Servers by State Government Agencies (PDF 104k)
Mr. Becker reported that HHS was drafting suggested changes to this document. The revised guideline will be on the next meeting agenda.

Disaster Planning Procedures for Information Technology (PDF 182k)
The Technical Panel of the NITC reviewed the Disaster Planning Procedures for Information Technology documents on Wednesday, October 9, 2002. The Tech Panel set the guideline for a 30-day public comment period. Agencies were asked to indicate if they have a disaster plan in their 2002 Comprehensive IT Plan, however they were not asked to submit a copy of the plan.

Jerry Hielen of IMServices reported that IMServices is establishing a test environment for vendor products and programs. Mr. Hielen provided a handout of the timeline of the Operating Systems and Application Roadmap, detailing when each element of the services and security could potentially be implemented.

Regular Updates

Enterprise Security Implementation

Mr. Schafer reported that there was a Security Awareness Conference in July. Currently, invitations are being sent to agencies to provide security training. This is a pilot effort to determine if on-line security training is an effective way to train employees to be consciously aware of security in the workplace and at their workstation. Jerry Hielen provided a handout that outlines the background and goal of the training. The objective is to increase the level of awareness by employees. The project is being funding by a grant from the Nebraska Information Technology Commission.

Lotus Notes Collaboration Work Group

Randy Cecrle of the Workers Compensation Court reported that the group is working on generating a policy for spam email among Lotus Notes users. The work group will be bringing the documents to the State Government Council when it is complete.

NIS Project

Mr. Schafer stated that the next NIS Steering Committee meeting will be held October 16, 2002 from 10:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. at the Nebraska State Office Building, Lower Level, Conference Room A. That Steering Committee meeting will provide more information in detail. October 15 is the date to establish HR functionality for entering employee benefits. November 4 is the date to establish the financial portion of NIS, however this date will probably be moved back.

Electronic Records Retention

The State Government Council voted to establish an Electronic Records Retention group that will hold their first meeting on Tuesday, November 5, 2002. Mr. Schafer encouraged all members wanting to be on the group, to contact Rick Becker.

SGC Action Plan (PDF 128k)

Steve Schafer reported that the first initiative of the Action Plan is under way. Currently, Nebrask@Online is working to develop the Employee Portal. The State is currently looking for feedback and suggestions about content and what functions would be beneficial to State of Nebraska employees. The next step is to develop a test site where individuals can navigate through the site, and make suggestions for changes.

Agency Reports

George Wells of the Department of Corrections reported that they are migrating to Windows 2000 Active Directory with help from IMServices. Mr. Wells stated that they are planning to tie into the root directory with the State of Nebraska network.

Jon Ogden of the Department of Roads reported that they are working on a project to get higher speed Internet access at several locations in western Nebraska. Currently, they are looking at the possibility of satellite or wireless connections to these locations.


Other Business

Mr. Schafer reported that the fourth annual E-Government Conference was held on September 26, 2002 at the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln, NE. The conference was very successful based on the number of attendees, and the conference evaluations were positive. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the highest, the average score for conference quality was a 3.9. He is still receiving feedback and suggestions from some individuals who attended the conference.

Next Meeting Date

The next meeting of the State Government Council will be Tuesday, November 5, 2002 at 1:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Nebraska State Office Building, Lower Level A.


With no further business, Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 2:35 p.m.


Minutes were taken by Jen Soucie Kitt of the Chief Information Office and reviewed by Rick Becker, Government IT Manager.

meeting minutes