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State Government Council
Nebraska Information Technology Commission
Thursday, June 8, 2000, 1:30 p.m.
Department of Labor, 3rd Floor Conference Room
550 S 16th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska



Mahendra Bansal, NRC
Dorest Harvey, Private Sector
Steve Schafer, CIO
Howard Boardman, HHS
Dan Hoffman, PRO
Bob Shanahan, Labor
Jerry Brown, IMS
Dick Gettemy, Revenue
Joe Steele, Supreme Court
Tom Conroy, DAS
Greg Lemon, SOS
Rod Wagner, Library Commission
Al Curtis, Crime Commission
Ron Mowrey, NDE
Scott Danigole, LFO
Gerry Oligmueller, Budget


Brenda Decker, DOC; Jon Ogden, DOR; Keith Dey, DMV; Glen Morton, WCC;


Mike Overton, Crime Commission; Jim McGee, HHS; Rick Becker and Lori Lopez Urdiales, CIO/NITC; Rod Armstrong, Nebraska On-line



Chair, Steve Schafer called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. Roll call was taken. Twelve members were present at the time or roll call. A quorum existed to conduct official business. Mr. Schafer stated that the meeting notice and agenda were posted to the NITC and Nebraska Public Notice Calendar on June 1, 2000.

Mr. Harvey arrived at 1:37 p.m.


There was no public comment.


Mr. Steele moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Curtis seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.


Security architecture work group: Mr. Schafer reported that the work group has held three meetings. An organization meeting was held on May 4th. On May 31st, IBM Global Services provided an informational workshop. On June 7th, the work group discussed the business case and policies statement. It is projected a draft "Policies and Procedures" document will be done by mid July for review.

Mr. Lemon arrived at 1:41 p.m.

E-mail work group: The work group has not met since the last meeting. A major project of the group will be the creation of a central directory.

Mr. Mowrey arrived at 1:45 p.m.

E-government strategy action item: Mr. Schafer has met with the Lieutenant Governor for input and feedback. A workshop focusing on technological architecture will be held tentatively in July. Mr. Schafer recommended utilizing the State Government Council and the state agencies I.T. plans to assist in the development strategies for e-government.


New Nebraska State Home Page - Rod Armstrong, Nebraska On-Line: Mr. Armstrong provided a brief history on the need for a revision to the present Nebraska State Home Page. NOL and agencies want the home page to be more citizen-centric in order to assist them with easy access to information. Mr. Armstrong demonstrated the new prototype which included the following features: focus on areas of information menu; drop down menus; a keyword search; a rotating new sites and news bar; and "ask a librarian" option. The goal is for the user to be 2-3 clicks away from needed information. A privacy statement, along with the disclaimer statement, will be included. NOL is currently working with Secretary of State's office regarding the privacy statement. Within the next two weeks, the prototype will be presented to Records Board for final approval. If approved, migration to new website will begin. Mr. Armstrong invited feedback from members. Focus groups will be organized after new site is up to solicit further feedback from other entities.

Suggestions from the council members included: adding Health and Safety as a category, utilization of a graphic along with the words "State of Nebraska"; add local government links; and an e-mail address for immediate feedback on the home page.


Mr. Schafer explained the review process. A total of 14 grants were received. Twelve reviewers were selected. Each project grant was evaluated by four grant reviewers (programmatic and business case). Staff discussed the conflict of interest issue. The decision was made to manage the situation by attempting to limit number of reviewers who may have a conflict of interest to 1 per project . The Council has the option to recommend the combination of projects for collaborative efforts, as well as, to include comments and recommendations on a project. Members were reminded to abstain from voting on their own project. Members received via e-mail the NITC Government Technology Collaboration Fund 2000 Rating Results Sheet indicating each project's score results. After discussion, the following actions were taken:

Lotus Notes Collaboration Research and Test Environment(DAS-IMServices):

The Council recommended funding the project.

Generic Internet Licensing Application (DAS-IMServices):

The Council recommended funding, with the following conditions:

  1. Establish a steering committee of participating agencies.
  2. Coordinate efforts with Nebraska On-Line.
  3. As part of the requirements analysis, include the other agencies which submitted GTCF applications relating to licensing (Department of Natural Resources and Board of Engineers & Architects/Board of Geologist).
  4. After completing Phase 2 (Analysis) and prior to expending more than $53,040 of grant funds, provide a report to State Government Council including the results of the analysis and a plan for any further expenditures.

Mr. Wagner left at 2:30 p.m.

Creating Digital Access and Archiving of the Conservation and Survey Division Aerial Photography Collection (UNL Conservation and Survey Division):

The Council recommended funding, with the following conditions:

  1. Provide a briefing to the GIS Steering Committee and on this project.

NCJIS Enhancement (Crime Commission):

The Council recommended funding the project.

Web-based Applications (State Fire Marshall):

Discussion identified three concerns with the Fire Marshal's project

  • The project focuses on internal operations of the agency. Although needed and meritorious, the project does not address the priorities established for the Government Technology Collaboration Fund.
  • The number and magnitude of the applications included in the project likely exceeds what the agency could achieve in a year.
  • Much of the project would develop application requirements. Development and implementation would depend on legislative funding.

Mr. Steele moved to not recommend the project for funding. Mr. Curtis seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion was carried by voice vote.

E-granting Conversion Project (Nebraska Arts Council):

The Council recommended funding, with the following condition:

  1. Create a steering committee, with representatives from at least three other agencies which manage grants (e.g. HHS, University of Nebraska, Crime Commission Department of Education), to aid in the review and selection of an electronic grant application.

Mr. Curtis left at 3:28 p.m. Mike Overton was in attendance as an alternate for the remainder of the meeting. Mr. Mowrey and Mr. Brown left at 3:30 p.m.

Common Business Identification Number (Department of Revenue):

The Council recommended funding the project.

Discussion followed regarding the amount of available funding dollars, council's priorities and emphasis agreed upon for this funding round.

Mr. Steele moved to stop discussion of any further projects and to fund the top six projects excluding the Web-Based Applications (State Fire Marshall). Mr. Harvey seconded the motion.

The motion was open for discussion. Mr. Schafer asked the group to consider funding the web-site development component of the Commission on Indian Affairs' project. The discussion indicated a preference that Nebraska On-line work with the commission to provide this service free of charge.

Roll call vote: Curtis-Abstained, Boardman-Abstained, Gettemy-Abstained, Harvey-Yes, Hoffman-Yes, Shanahan-Abstained, Conroy-Abstained, Lemon-Yes, Oligmueller-Abstained, Steele-Yes, Schafer-Yes, and Bansal-Abstained. Motion was carried by majority vote.


Budget: Mr. Oligmueller reminded members that agency IT plans are due July 1st. A draft of the biennium budget instructions should be available by June 23rd. They will be posted on the Budget Division web site.

Secretary of State: Mr. Lemon reported that the draft revisions on Electronic Signature and On-line Filing are project to be sent out tomorrow or Monday.


There was no other business.

Mr. Schafer adjourned the meeting at 3:52 p.m.

The next meeting of the State Government Council will be on Thursday, July 13, 2000, 1:30 p.m. at the State Office Building, Lower Level Conference Room C.

Minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by Steve Schafer, Office of the CIO/NITC.

meeting minutes