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April 9, 1999, 9:00 a.m.
York Elementary School, York, Nebraska



Keith Bartels, Lincoln Public Schools Jeff Johnson, Centennial Public School
Wayne Bell, (Alternate for Terry Miller) Dr. Tom Krepel, Chadron State College
Connie Consburg, (Non voting alternate for Dr. John Muller) Carne Pfeil, (Alternate for Dr. David Powers)
Susan Fees, Christ the King School Art Tanderup, Tekamah-Herman Public School
Wayne Fisher, (Alternate for Dr. Dean Bergman) Alan Wibbels, ESU 10
Dr. Uma Gupta, Creighton University Dr. Mary Wise, (Alternate for Dr. Richard Gilliland)
Dr. Ken Halsey, Wayne State College Dr. Kristine Wolzen, Arlington Public Schools
Dr. Jack Huck, Southeast Community College Dr. Woody Ziegler, York Elementary School


Dr. William Berndt, UN Medical Center Dr. James Moeser, Chancellor, UNL


The meeting of the Education Council of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission was called to order at approximately 9:00 a.m. by co-chair Dr. Huck. Corrections/additions to the March 15th minutes included:

  • under the Lieutenant Governor's section, change the wording of "long distance education" to "distance education" and
  • in that same paragraph last sentence, change the wording "assurances that students learn more better and faster" to "assurances that students learn more, better, and faster".

Mr. Tanderup moved and it was seconded by Ms. Fees to approve the March minutes as corrected. Vote: Bartels-Yes, Bell-Yes, Fees-Yes, Huck-Yes, Krepel-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Wise-Yes, Wolzen-Yes and Ziegler-Yes. Gupta, Johnson, and Halsey were not present to vote. Motion carried.

POLICIES AND PROCEDURES FOR PREPARING A STATEWIDE TECHNOLOGY PLAN - Michael Winkle, NITC Executive Director and Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager

Mr. Winkle shared a brief history of the document and provided an overview of its contents to the council members. Following is a list of persons involved in the completion of the plan, along with staff:

Part I Goals - NITC Commissioners
Part II Sector Priorities and Action Plans - Joint Planning Subcommittee and the councils
Part III Technical Infrastructure Plan - Technical Panel
Part IV Process and Procedures - Technical Panel
Part V Implementation Plan - Joint Planning Subcommittee

Tom Rolfes proceeded to explain the steps to be followed for Part II Sector Priorities and Action Plans (document distributed to members). The Joint Planning Subcommittee will be meeting sometime after the NITC April 14th meeting to begin work on Step 1 Needs Assessment, Task A - to conduct a perceived needs assessment. This would be a cross sectional perspective of the most important problems and opportunities that require the use of information technology. The cross sectional perspective developed by the Joint Planning Subcommittee will be brought back to each of the councils to begin their brainstorming. Step 1, Tasks A, B and C, will be done by the councils at their May meeting. The June meeting will be spent on Step 2 Causal Analysis, Tasks A, B and C - identify 2-5 top needs and then describe present conditions, desired outcomes and causes of identified needs. The Joint Planning Subcommittee will then come together again to consolidate the input from the councils. Mr. Winkle stated that this process is similar to other strategic planning processes and emphasized the importance of attending the next two meetings.

CHARTER - Tom Rolfes

The charter has been updated to reflect the ex-officio members as per the NITC request. Mr. Rolfes pointed out that LB880 Agency 47 intent language has not been included in the charter pending legislative action. The Education Council did submit a cover letter to the Appropriations Committee reflecting the merger of the NEB*SAT Council and the Education Council. Initial feedback indicates that the language would be accepted. Mr. Bartels moved and it was seconded by Dr. Krepel to adopt the Education Charter as presented with the directive for staff to develop a plan to reactivate the former subcommittees of NEB*SAT if LB880 is approved. Vote: Bartels-Yes, Bell-Yes, Fees-Yes, Halsey-Yes, Huck-Yes, Gupta-Yes, Johnson-Yes, Krepel-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Wise-Yes, Wolzen-Yes and Ziegler-Yes. Motion carried.


TELECOMMUNICATIONS AGGREGATION JOINT SUBCOMMITTEE: The first meeting was held March 15th in Lincoln. The next one will be held shortly after the NITC April 14th meeting.

EDUCATION PROPOSAL REVIEW COMMITTEE: Mr. Rolfes distributed a handout for council members to review recommendations given at the December meeting. Dr. Huck moved and it was seconded by Mr. Tanderup to endorse the "Proposal Review" document and to move it forward to share with the other councils and the NITC. Vote: Bartels-Yes, Bell-Yes, Fees-Yes, Halsey-Yes, Huck-Yes, Gupta-Abstained, Johnson-Yes, Krepel-Yes, Tanderup-Yes, Wibbels-Yes, Wise-Yes, Wolzen-Yes and Ziegler-Yes.

LEGISLATIVE ACTION COMMITTEE: Mr. Wibbels reported that the ESU bill, LB386, is scheduled for debate.


Mr. Wibbels presented a list of individuals serving on the Governor's Teacher Advisory Cabinet. This advisory cabinet will be advising the governor on several aspects of education, including technology. Mr. Wibbels asked the council members if the Education Council should send a letter to the Governor offering its assistance to the group in the area of technology. It was by group consensus to send a letter on behalf on the council. Mr. Wibbels and Mr. Rolfes will draft a letter.


Mr. Rolfes distributed an updated list. There are still areas where expertise is needed - distance learning and database management. Several members asked why some of the persons they referred were not on the list. Mr. Rolfes indicated that these persons had not returned their forms or indicated that they were not interested in serving on the panel. It was suggested to put the form on the website. Mr. Winkle stressed the need for council members to refer more higher education reviewers, at least one per campus.


Mr. Rolfes distributed a copy of the proposed Telecommunications Survey form, which was sent to Class I schools. As of today's date, 90% of the surveys have been returned. Roger Hahn and Wayne Fisher have been working with Mr. Rolfes to assist schools that have indicated they have no or needed assistance with of Rule 88 and the School Technology Fund. Parochial schools have not been sent the survey but the mailing is planned before the end of April.


Mr. Rolfes announced that staff have been working on a new design for the NITC website that would bring all the councils together in an easier format with a combined calendar of events. Rick Becker, Government Information Technology Manager, was thanked for his leadership in this project. The new changes will occur within the next week.

Dr. Huck shared with the group that Mr. Bartels has resigned from the Lincoln Public Schools Board. Mr. Bartels has been asked by the Nebraska Association of School Boards to continue representing the organization on the Education Council.

Dr. Krepel was recognized and welcomed as the newest member from state colleges.


The next two meetings of the Education Council are vital to the planning process of the statewide plan and will be held May 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in Lincoln (location to be determined) and May 24th at ESU 10 in Kearney. The meeting was adjourned by co-chair, Alan Wibbels at 11:30 a.m. Dr. Ziegler provided a tour of York Elementary.

Minutes taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales, Administrative Assistant, and Tom Rolfes, Education Information Technology Manager, Office of the Chief Information Officer/NITC.

Meeting Minutes