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Thursday, February 22, 2007, 1:30 p.m.
Nebraska Department of Education – Board Room
301 Centennial Mall South-6th Floor, Lincoln, Nebraska

Videoconference Site [Neb Rev. Stat. § 84-1411(2)]
Chadron State College - Burkhiser Technology Complex-Room 109, Chadron, Nebraska



Lieutenant Governor Rick Sheehy, Chair
Linda Aerni, Chief Executive Officer, Community Internet Systems
Pat Flanagan, Information Services Manager, Mutual of Omaha
Lance Hedquist, City Administrator, South Sioux City
Dr. Dan Hoesing, Superintendent, Laurel-Concord, Coleridge, & Newcastle Public Schools
Mike Huggenberger, Director-Netlink, Great Plains Communications
Dr. Doug Kristensen, Chancellor, University of Nebraska-Kearney
Dr. Janie Park, President, Chadron State College
Trev Peterson, Attorney, Knudsen, Berkheimer, Richardson, and Endacott, LLP


The meeting notice and agenda was posted to the NITC website and the Public Meeting Calendar website on February 15, 2007.


Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the NOVEMBER 1, 2006 MINUTES as presented. Commissioner Park seconded.  Roll call vote:  Aerni-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Park-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Sheehy-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.


There was no public comment.


LB 1208 Implementation

- Statewide Scheduling System (RFP 1683 - Background Information Only)
- Networking, Edge Devices, Internet Access, Transport (RFP 1752 - Background Information Only)
- Codec Device RFP

By statute, state agencies are required to go through an RFP and bidding process for any large scale purchases to determine the most cost effective options.  This process was utilized to solicit bids for statewide pricing to replace existing distance education systems of approximately 97 of Nebraska’s northeast area schools, ESUs, and higher education partners.  The distance education network, as it exists now, is mainly JPEG or MPEG2 video with T1 Internet connections. Three bids were received for the Wide Area Networking portion of the RFP. The contract was awarded to Windstream and Qwest.  Depending on their service area, schools will contract with either Windstream or Qwest. Phase II and III of the bidding will encompass the rest of the state and it will be at this time that we will look at lowering costs for Phase I schools.  The Codec RFP will be released within the next couple of weeks.  Implementation of Phase I is scheduled be completed by August 10, 2007 for all 97 northeast Nebraska locations.

Commissioners expressed concern about an increase of costs to schools that didn’t file E-rate or that haven’t signed to be part of the LB 1208 project. Lieutenant Governor Sheehy stated that when the upgrade project was envisioned, it was understood that there may be a cost increase for some schools and 100% of the schools in the northeast are expected to participate.

E-rate filing: The Office of the CIO staff was cautious to abide by all E-rate requirements.  The pricing wasn’t the same for all schools due to the bids that the state received.  The Office of the CIO will be working with schools to get costs down through E-rate or other avenues.  It saved the K-12 entities about $5,000 per month not to cost average, due to the reimbursement rate of some of the high need schools.  The E-rate application deadline is February 7th.

Legislative Performance Audit.  Ms. Decker informed the commission that the Legislative Audit Committee will be conducting a Performance Audit of the NITC. Performance Audit Reports are prepared by the Legislative Audit and Research Office. These reports include examinations of state agency performance and audits of the implementation of public policy initiatives as part of the Legislature's oversight role.


New Initiative: eHealth*

eHealth technologies include telehealth, electronic health records, and health information exchange.  President Bush has made the adoption of health information technology including electronic health records a national priority. Nebraska is nationally recognized for its efforts to establish a statewide telehealth network. Establishing an eHealth Council will help the State of Nebraska to build upon the success of the Nebraska Statewide Telehealth Network as it begins to address issues related to the adoption of electronic health records and health information exchange.

The proposed Statewide Technology Plan states: “A state-sponsored eHealth initiative is needed in Nebraska to:
- Assess the current adoption of eHealth technologies;
- Make recommendations on how the state should promote the adoption of eHealth technologies;
- Provide coordination among eHealth initiatives in Nebraska; and
- Enable the State of Nebraska to more competitively seek funding for eHealth initiatives.”

Commissioner Aerni asked about funding to support the eHealth Council.  Lt. Governor Sheehy replied that the group will operate without additional funding.  Establishing a group which focuses on eHealth may also beter position the State of Nebraska to obtain grant funding for eHealth-related projects.

Commissioners Kristensen commented that security and privacy of health information are concerns that must be addressed.

Commissioner Peterson moved to adopt the new eHealth initiative in the Statewide Technology Plan.  Commissioner Kristensen seconded. Roll call vote: Sheehy-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Park-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, and Aerni-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.

eHealth Council*, Anne Byers.  Ms. Byers asked the Commissioners to address issues relating to the eHealth Council.  Staff have proposed structuring the membership of the eHealth Council to include representatives of:

- The State of Nebraska
- Health Care providers
- eHealth Initiatives
- Third Party Payers and Employers
- Consumers
- Resource Providers, Experts, and Others if Deemed Appropriate by the NITC

Information on the proposed eHealth Council has been shared with members of the Telehealth Subcommittee and the Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration Steering Committee.  Based on the input received, staff would like to clarify that our intention is to include the telehealth network as an eHealth initiatve.  Staff have also received feedback suggesting that public health be a separate category. Ms. Byers clarified that health care providers includes hospitals, physicians, pharmacists, and other providers.  The eHealth Council may also involve additional stakeholders through work groups or stakeholder meetings.

Commissioner Flanagan moved to authorize the creation of an eHealth Council and to give them the charge in the meeting materials and to include public health in the membership.  Commissioner Peterson seconded.  Roll call vote:  Aerni-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Park-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Sheehy-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.

During discussion, the number of members on the eHealth council was discussed. Commissioner Hedquist suggested amending the motion to set the membership of the eHealth Council to no more than 25 members.

Commissioner Hedquist offered a friendly amendment to the motion that the eHealth Council should not to exceed 25 members.  Amendment was accepted by Commissioners Flanagan and Peterson.  Roll call vote on amendment to that the eHealth Council should not to exceed 25 members: Roll call vote: Flanagan-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Park-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, and Hedquist-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.

The Commission charged the staff to develop a membership roster to be approved by the NITC at their next meeting.

New Initiative: Public Safety Communications System*

Public Safety Communications Initiative, Brenda Decker.  LB 343, directed the OCIO Network Services to work on interconnectivity and interoperability of public safety communications systems, and established an Interoperability Board. Governor Heineman has asked the legislature to fund these efforts.  As stated in the document, the initiative’s objectives are to:

- Develop the Nebraska Public Safety communication system, and conduct the procurement process for the system contract.
- Continue developing statewide communications interoperability for public safety.

Commissioner Kristensen moved to adopt and include the new Public Safety Communications Initiative in the Statewide Technology Plan.  Commissioner Hedquist seconded.  Roll call vote: Hoesing-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Park-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, and Peterson-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.

Completed Initiative: Statewide Synchronous Video Network*.  Mr. Rolfes provided a brief update regarding the Statewide Synchronous Video Network initiative and the work that has been completed to date.  The video compression protocol standard was developed by the NITC and has been implemented statewide. With this initiative almost complete and the advent of the statewide scheduling software for education entities, Mr. Rolfes explained that this was an opportunity for the NITC to pause and reflect on the progress that has been made and to retire a strategic initiative. There will likely be a need to update the standard sometime in the future, as technologies continue to change. 

Commissioner Hoesing moved to remove the Statewide Synchronous Video Network initiative from the Statewide Technology Plan.  Commissioner Huggenberger seconded.  Roll call vote: Park-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, and Peterson-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.

Other Initiatives: Updates from the NITC Advisory Councils and Technical Panel

The Advisory Councils and Technical Panel did not make any major changes to the strategic initiatives action items.  Over the past two years, approximately 30 action items have been completed.

Commissioner Hedquist moved to approve the Advisory Councils and the Technical Panel actions items for the Strategic Initiatives.  Commissioner Flanagan seconded. Roll call vote: Sheehy-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Park-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, and Aerni-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.


Anne Byers, Community Information Technology Manager

TIGER Grants. Anne Byers reported that three TIGER mini grants were completed last summer.  The two remaining grants are nearing completion.  The Aurora Technology Center has completed their grant.  Their TIGER Mini Grants has resulted in the two other larger grants. Burt County Extension is working with local businesses to build a community business portal in Oakland, Nebraska.  The project has experienced some problems with their first contractor, but has contracted with the University of Nebraska DEAL Laboratory to set up the portal.  Progress being made and the project should be completed within a few months.

Podcasting Across Nebraska. Anne Byers reported that the four participants in the Podcasting Across Nebraska program – South Sioux City, Lincoln County/North Platte Convention and Visitors Bureaus, and the Panhandle Public Health Department and partners received their equipment from Lt. Governor Sheehy and are completing podcast training. South Sioux City has created their first podcast.  Ms. Byers showed Commissioners South Sioux City’s travel and tourism podcast. A video about the program produced by the UNL New Media Center is also available.

Links to the podcast and video are below:

- South Sioux City Cardinal Cast--If you experience problems viewing this, you may need to download Quicktime.

- UNL New Media Center video of South Sioux City training and presentation--If you experience problems viewing this, you may need to download Flash.


Tom Rolfes, Education I.T. Manager

The primary focus of discussion at the Education Council meetings has been the implementation of LB1208 covered earlier in the meeting.  In addition to LB 1208, the council reviewed the strategic plan action items. Mr. Rolfes notified the Commission that the Education Council would be presenting at least eight membership renewals or updates at their next meeting.


Rick Becker, Government I.T. Technology Manager

The State Government Council reviewed the strategic plan action items and the standards appearing later in the agenda.

Revised Charter.  Membership increased from 24 to 25 members with the addition of the Department of Banking.  Some of the changes to the charter were made to reflect current statutes.  Other changes were technical in nature.

Commissioner Peterson moved to approve the Revised State Government Charter as presented. Commissioner Kristensen seconded. Roll call vote: Kristensen-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Peterson-Yes, and Park-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.


Walter Weir, Chair, Chief Information Officer, University of Nebraska

The Technical Panel has met monthly since the last NITC meeting.  Project reviews were done for the HHSS Project Proposals for FY2007-2009 Biennium and the DL Event Clearinghouse & Scheduling Software Purchase.  The Technical Panel is recommending approval of the Standards and Guidelines for Remote Access and an Emergency Information Page.  Commissioners were given an opportunity to discuss the standards.

Commissioner Hoesing moved to approve the Remote Access Standard.  Commissioner Flanagan seconded.  Roll call vote: Park-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Flanagan-Yes, Kristensen-Yes, Aerni-Yes, and Huggenberger-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Hedquist move to approve the Emergency Information Page Guidelines.  Commissioner Aerni seconded.  Roll call vote: Flanagan-Yes, Peterson-Yes, Aerni-Yes, Sheehy-Yes, Hedquist-Yes, Park-Yes, Hoesing-Yes, Huggenberger-Yes, and Kristensen-Yes.  Results:  Yes-9, No-0.  Motion carried.


There was no other business.


Staff will be in contact with Commissioners to determine a late May or June meeting date.

With no further business, Lieutenant Governor Sheehy adjourned the meeting.


Meeting minutes were taken by Lori Lopez Urdiales and reviewed by the staff of the Office of the CIO/NITC.


Meeting Minutes